CSD Supplier Number Deactivated

Since the status of your company has changed to CIPC AR Final Deregistration, CSD has deactivated your supplier’s profile on CSD on the 23rd February 2024.  This means that the supplier’s profile is no longer be considered as a potential supplier to the government and CSD will no longer automatically re-verify supplier information like tax status, government employee status, restricted […]

Please check your entity CIPC Enterprise Status

Please check your entity CIPC Enterprise Status because it is important that your entity to be in business status all the time. There are 3 CIPC Enterprise Statuses. Those statuses are In Business, Deregistration Process and AR Final deregistration. In BusinessYour company CIPC Annual returns are up-to-date. Deregistration ProcessYour company has failed to submit CIPC Annual Returns in the last […]

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