SARS personal income tax reference number registrations

For SARS personal income tax reference number registration in Matatiele and surrounding areas, please visit Thami Mshengu Services at office number 33C, spargs mall, 92 Long Street Matatiele 4730. Thami Mshengu Services also provides the proof of SARS income tax number registration to all those individuals who been already registered with SARS. You may contact Thami Mshengu Services on 0815340948.

CIDB will no longer accept the manual applications for CIDB Grade 1

With effect from 16 November 2020, Construction Industry Development will no longer accept the manual applications for CIDB Grade 1. Only contractors that are applying for the new electrical works (EB) class of works will be allowed to submit their applications at the branch. You are adviced to use CIDB Grade 1 online registration service. The online registration service is […]

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