Companies registered from year 2020

All those companies which were registered from year 2020, one of their directors is required to be registered as the SARS Registered Registered Representative before they will be able submit income tax returns on eFiling. Therefore, if your company was registered from this period, you won’t able to submit outstanding income tax returns on eFiling until you are registered as […]

Companies registered from year 2011

If you have registered a company in South Africa between April 2011 and till to date, that company is obligated to submit income tax returns whether it operated or not in terms of income tax act. Whether that company is in AR Final Deregistered status on CIPC, that company is still required to submit outstanding income tax returns.

CSD Supplier Number Deactivated

Since the status of your company has changed to CIPC AR Final Deregistration, CSD has deactivated your supplier’s profile on CSD on the 23rd February 2024.  This means that the supplier’s profile is no longer be considered as a potential supplier to the government and CSD will no longer automatically re-verify supplier information like tax status, government employee status, restricted […]

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